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Add Linting to your CI with Github Actions

This is the First part in a series about making github actions, make sure to check out the rest of them

Making a Github Action for Linting

In this section we will focus on these three files to get our linter running.

 ┣ 📂 .github
 ┃ ┗ 📂 workflows
 ┃   ┗ 📜 push.yml
 ┣ 📜.eslintrc.js
 ┗ 📜package.json

We covered in the main document about what starting a github-action with a file like .github/workflows/push.yml which start out with the 4 lines

name: Default Node CI

    types: [opened, synchronize, reopened]

The last step we are adding which is unique in this document are to use eslint, our test runner, to test the code a code with our linter.

    name: lints
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Checking Out Commits Securely . . .
        uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - name: Setup Node 14 Environment . . .
        uses: actions/setup-node@v1
          node-version: 14
      - name: Install Dependencies . . .
        working-directory: .
        run: npm ci
      - name: Run The Lints . . .
        run: npm run test:lint

In above for this example, we use the command npm run test:lint which corresponds to our package.json script test:lint which looks like this:

"scripts": {
 // ...
  "test": "jest",
  "test:watch": "jest --watchAll",
  "test:coverage": "jest --coverage | ./node_modules/.bin/codecov",
  "test:lint": "eslint . 'src/**/*.ts'",
  "test:lint:fix": "eslint . --fix 'src/**/*.ts'"

Our .eslintrc.js file for this project looks like so

module.exports = {
  parser: "@typescript-eslint/parser",
  plugins: [
  extends: [
  rules: {
    "no-console": 1,       // Means warning
    "prettier/prettier": 2 // Means error
  globals: {},
  ignorePatterns: ["**/*.js", "**/tests", "**/test"],

Github Action YAML Standalone

If you want here is the previously mentioned steps we covered

name: Default Node CI

    types: [opened, synchronize, reopened]

    name: codecoverage
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Checking Out Commits Securely . . .
        uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - run: echo "💡 $ repo has been Cloned Successfully."
      - name: Setup Node 14 Environment . . .
        uses: actions/setup-node@v1
          node-version: 14
      - run: echo "🎉 Node 14 has been Installed Successfully."
      - name: Install Dependencies . . .
        working-directory: .
        run: npm ci
      - run: echo "🖥️ Deps Installed Successfully. The workflow is now ready!"
      - name: Run The Lints . . .
        run: npm run test:lint

As we previously have made a .github/workflows/push.yml, where it installs and tests code, we are creating a new task called codecoverage which will setup a new ubuntu environment, securly checkout he code, install npm and all the dependancies.