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Adding Cool Badges to your Github Readme Pages

Feel free to skip the end to see pre-made badges.

Making a Badge

The great minds at Shields.io thought up a great way to create custom badges for practically anything you need.

A simple example can be https://img.shields.io/badge/<LABEL>-<MESSAGE>-<COLOR>

However the badges below use logos, You will use the url below for all the following examples.


The above example was using this:

Markdown Code

The whole url and example above is like so:

![Alt Text](https://img.shields.io/badge/Badge-20232A.svg?logo=Gunicorn&logoColor=%23E10098)


The following styles are available. Flat is the default. Examples are shown with an optional logo:


&style=flat (default)






Premade Badges

![GitHub Actions](https://img.shields.io/badge/GitHub%20Actions-2671E5.svg?logo=github%20actions&logoColor=white)

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